Sliced Coconut : It's Sliced, Not Broken

Ten Random Thoughts

“I want what they have” is probably the single biggest reason for spending money.

Being 100% honest sounds hard but saves a lot of time

You can be upset about anything, try being content instead, it makes for better living.

Not giving reasons for declining meetings will avoid having to come up with another excuse if the meeting is postponed.

We check our cars regularly, but somehow it seems normal to never go to a doctor as a healthy person.

You can change it or you can accept it, that is all you can do. Complaining about it does not improve your situation.

We will get sick, and we will die, yet nothing in our society prepares us for the unavoidable. It’s like not installing light bulbs in a house because it is morning.

Email is one of the most impersonal ways of communication, yet most people act as if they just came over to tell you something and you keep them waiting.

Self-driving cars will ruin the car-repair industry.

How did people print books pre-computer, like in the 1950’s?

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