Sliced Coconut : It's Sliced, Not Broken

It’s all about the buffer

This is is my last chance to post something in March. The fascinating part is that it is a pure accident that I think about this today, on the last day of the month.

It fits perfectly to my last post. I reached the point again, where I realize I am not happy how things are going. The difference to other times is, I think I am on the right path, but it just takes too long. I need to do more cutting.

Sidenote: I haven’t meditated since and I feel like a freaking lunatic.

There is work, and is demanding. But for some stupid reason, I believe life should be more than just work. I love what I do, but there are other things I love doing. And these all just don’t seem to fit in. Well, my plan involves doing stuff that I don’t like that much to earn the extra money that I need to the things I want to do. Okay, tackling four projects at the same time, when you are already spread thin is not the brightest choice.

Yes, doing something when you know it is not smart to do is the next level of stupid. I call it a challenge. Life is all about semantics, isn’t it?

In my opinion, preparedness is what leads to freedom and happiness. Preparedness means knowing that even when something unexpected happens you will still be fine.

This leads to the one and only rule you need for life:
Create a buffer!

You can say reservoir, savings, contingency surplus, whatever. I call it buffer.

If you don’t want to get freaked out about your finances, have an emergency fund.
If you don’t want always to be late to work, leave earlier.
If you want to finish your projects in time, be ahead of your schedule.

So easy to say and so hard to do. But that is exactly why I am quite unhappy at the moment. I still haven’t managed to build up any buffers. And time is the one resource I can’t make up.

The unexpected keeps happening causing me to run behind. Being behind make me feel discontent.

To catch up I tried cutting various routines from my life which take too much time and that I would pick up again when I have more of it. Examples are meditation and sports.

Fact is, being a freaking lunatic the rest of the day does not make up for one hour of meditation and sports. It may be possible that just doing either one helps me be more balanced, but skipping both does absolutely no good for me.

One is always better than none. Well, unless it is a broken arm, or sunburn, or dysentery, or … you know what I mean.

More about that the next time.

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