Sliced Coconut : It's Sliced, Not Broken

My favorite Podcasts of November 2016

My daily commute was significantly reduced last year. As a consequence, I suddenly enjoy cleaning the house and cooking. If you are having trouble to make the connection, then you are probably not listening to podcasts (quasi talk radio on demand, but better). A couple of years back I used to spend a 40-minute drive in my car followed by a 20-minute walk to my office. Podcasts and audiobooks made my 2-hour migration to and from work quite enjoyable.

So much that I still try to squeeze as much audio time into my day. Because almost all of my favorite podcasts had been recommended by someone to me, it seems sensible to also list my favorite podcasts. Currently, I am subscribed to about 20 podcasts, but there are three that stand out for me.

Reply all – Is a show about the internet. Kind of. The internet delivers the backdrop for stories about people dealing with today’s struggles. I love this show because it’s a show with a lot of heart and humanity. And now and then I get a glimpse into the deep internet mysteries of memes and viral tweets and videos.

99% invisible – Is a radio show about design. The host Roman Mars manages to turn what sounds like an impossible challenge – describing design with words when we just want to look at it – into what makes this show so unique. Every episode is for me the equivalent of sitting on the couch as a kid and watching your favorite show while drinking hot chocolate. Check it out then you’ll know what I mean.

Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History – Dan Carlin brings important historical events to life by providing incredible context to these occurrences. In the middle ages, he would have been the storyteller who gathers a crowd around him not because about what he is telling but mostly because of how he does it. Dan always recreates those moments in a way that we practically re-live them together with him. He also never fails to deliver alternative perspectives and thus ensures that these are not one-sided narratives. New episodes come out once in a couple of months, but when they come they are epic and always reward you for waiting.

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