Sliced Coconut : It's Sliced, Not Broken

Lost ‘Em

The last ten posts I wrote, I really liked. Not sure if they would stand the test of time, but I felt good about them. I had a good run.

Then I lost all of them.

While I was seemingly great at writing, I was terrible at reading.

At reading the email announcing I needed immediately move my content to a new server that is.

But I published my posts to the old – soon to be wiped – server.

I had it coming. Feeling so smug about my writing that I didn’t even keep a copy.

I scan receipts and safe them on Evernote. All my photos and files are instantly backed up to my Dropbox. But I got too lazy to back up my writing.

As I considered this I decided not to contact the web host begging them to try to recover those posts. They wrote me five emails about the server move. So, no. I deserve the loss.

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