Sliced Coconut : It's Sliced, Not Broken

Ground rules and feelings

I have a habit of starting stuff that always ends up causing work without really paying off. This time, I am optimistic though because this 500 Words Challenge (creative name right?) is only for me.
No one else benefits from it. Meaning that if I ever wanted to end it, I can do so without having to feel bad for someone else but me.
Maybe I should call it the “Write your socks off challenge”. No, wait that is too long. It needs to be something that fits in a hashtag, like #writeshitdaily, #dailypost, #500wordsdaily (not too bad after all).

So I thought I use this second post to lay down some of the ground rules. There are only two:

1. Write 500 words minimum
2. Do it every day.

Fair enough, isn’t it? You have to keep things simple if you want them to stick. Well, I just checked twitter and of course, the hashtag is not new. So let’s go with #600wordsdaily. Easy win, since yesterday’s post, was over #600 words. If I think of it, it makes much more sense as every piece should have an introduction, main part, and ending. Three pieces at least. 600 is so much easier to divide by three than 500. A lame reason I know, but 600 it is.

I have to be careful not to write “shit” every second word. Just listened to an interview by Tim Ferriss with Jamie Foxx. Jamie is just incredible. I have so much respect for his ability and him as a person. Wow.

Took a long dinner break and seriously lost my train of thought. The flow is gone now. Another rule is not to edit while I am writing. It is more of a soft rule but forces me to keep going and helps me to don’t lose my flow. Sure long breaks don’t help, but I need to use every second I have for writing. IF there’s a five-minute break, I have to use it. Not having time is the biggest reason for most not to do something. If I think I need a block of one hour to written, then I’ll never write. Not daily for sure. Just realized I just promised to write six hundred words and I am just barely past three hundred. Should have stuck with 500. But that is me always getting myself into trouble.

Right now it is 399 words, meaning there are still 201 words left, which doesn’t sound too bad by itself. I wished I had a big message for my last two hundred words for today. It sounds so cheesy, but man I really wish for world pease. It was so sad that after all that humankind went through, we still can’t get along with each other. I am quite happy to live where I live right now. But I am also sure a lot of other people from other countries think that. Wouldn’t it be great if we could know how other people felt, just by seeing them. Oh no, that is nonsense.

It would be terrible. There was actually, I think, either an This American Life or Radiolab story about people who would physically feel what other people they see are feeling. Not emotions, but stuff like pain when someone hit their shin or when they bump into another person. Or, right that was the most freakish of all, they would feel it in their mouth when someone else was eating. That must just be terrible, don’t you think?

But in generally I think it would help with world peace if we had a better understanding of other peoples life. At the end of the day most just want to live their lives in peace.

That’s probably a good way to end a Sunday post.


[day 2 | 634 words]

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