Sliced Coconut : It's Sliced, Not Broken

Earth Day

Yesterday, Earth Day and the March for Science coincided. Which was certainly no coincidence.  Things have become so complicated, everything is being politicized and it seems people can’t agree on anything anymore.

And then I wonder if nothing ever was simple and I am just realizing it now. Let’s for a moment forget what is behind Earth Day and why Scientists feel compelled to march for science this year.

Let’s ignore whether Climate Change exists and if it exists whether it is man made or not. Let’s ignore whether you are for gun control or not or whether you believe health care for everyone is a good idea or not. Let’s take it down to one simple picture.

Imagine you are traveling in a spaceship through space. All resources you need to maintain live on board are on board and apart from sunlight, you can’t expect anything else to be provided from the outside. You have a tank with a finite volume of water. This water you are using for cleaning, showering, and drinking.

Do you think it is a good idea to shit in your own drinking water?

I hope not.

Doesn’t it seem quite logical in such a situation to try to live a sustainable life on board? In other words, to recycle everything if possible, so nothing what can’t be replaced is lost and thus keep the critical resources ideally at a constant level?

So guess what, Earth is your spaceship.

Any argument against making sustainability any country’s main priority is an argument against the future of your children and grandchildren.

Only a complete numbnut argues against keeping rivers clean and minimizing air pollution. This has nothing to do with political opinions. It’s the only deed we owe our children.

It’s that simple.



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