Sliced Coconut : It's Sliced, Not Broken

An open mind

First, we knew nothing. Then we saw something falling and soon made other things fall as well. Then after a while, we simply knew the direction a spoon pushed off the table would go. Later we learned about gravity, and that sealed the deal. We knew all about it. It’s a law.

In a similar fashion, we learn about all sorts of other laws. Hard ones, like that the time always moves forward or water has the highest density at 4 °C. And soft ones, like how to hold a fork and not to burp at dinner.

The older we get, the more we know how things are supposed to be. It goes so far that we don’t like when things are different.

In my mind I see a kid running into a meadow with open arms, while the grown-up remains behind with clenched fists in his pocket. This means when kids embrace a new idea with open arms, then we adults reject it with furor.

Let’s not forget, it’s a skill to keep an open mind.

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