Sliced Coconut : It's Sliced, Not Broken

198 Words about writing 600

Yes, I failed badly…

Back in January, I started this 600 words daily writing challenge which I failed after only two days or so.

I battled a bad cold for the next six weeks after that. This is one excuse. Probably not the worst. But it is not the reason why the writing challenge didn’t work for me.

I can eat a bowl of rice and be totally satisfied but remain hungry after two bowls of salad.

Sometimes 100 words are plenty to say everything there is to say for the moment. Other times 2000 words are not enough. Going for the word count is the wrong metric for me.

Writing is my way of taking care of my demons, one method to silence the voices in my head when everything else is quiet. Writing makes me feel good.

When strings of thoughts become tangled writing helps me set them straight with one word at a time.

1000 words don’t make me feel better than 500. The meaning is sometimes disguised, but it’s the act itself, not the number of words. If one number relates to my happiness, then it is the amount of time spent writing. Then I know I am alive.

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